Audiobooks & E-Books

Our Jasmine Digital Library service is generously supported by Friends of Florence County Library.
Please consider supporting our Friends group through a donation or becoming a member.

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Continuing to serve our patrons in the digital age, the Florence County Library System has added e-books to its collection while greatly expanding its digital audiobook collection. This addition of e-books along with more audiobooks is made possible through the Jasmine Digital Library, the South Carolina Low Country consortium of seventeen other libraries to share resources and to pool purchasing power.

Currently, there are over 40,000 titles available for selection, in a wide variety of genres. Each title automatically expires at the end of the lending period and can be downloaded to various devices such as the iPad, iPod, Kindle, Nook or to a PC.

To begin accessing the new e-books and audiobooks, Click Here. Patrons can login with their library card number and catalog password (PIN). The password is the last four digits of the library card number, unless this has been changed by the user.

If you are using a phone or a tablet, we recommend downloading the Libby app rather than the older Overdrive one. It is friendlier to mobile devices. If you are experiencing problems logging into your account, please call us. Typically it is the simple matter than your card has expired. We can correct that problem for you over the phone rather than you having to come see us.

A video tutorial on how to use Libby is below:

Jasmine has a help section to assist with downloading ebooks and audiobooks. In addition, the library can help you in how to download and use e-books and downloadable audiobooks with various smart devices. Please visit your nearest branch for in-person assistance.