New Catalog FAQ

New catalog and online system coming soon!

The week of June 19 – 23, all SCLENDS libraries, including FCLS, will be moving to a new catalog and online system! This means a lot of small and big changes to the way you find library materials and manage your account, plus some new features that will make it easier to use the library.

Can I still request books from other libraries?
Yes! All of SCLENDS is moving to the new system. Once we go live on June 23, you can request an item from any library like you can now.

What services will be available the week of June 19 – 23?
Public computers, WiFi, and online services like Libby will still be available. Between Monday, June 19, and Wednesday, June 21, checkouts will be limited to 5 items per library card. Because we will be offline, we can’t look up accounts, so you must have your library card to check out. We also can’t make new library cards until the new system is active on June 23.

Will you be closed during any of this?
On Thursday, June 22, the Florence and Lake City Libraries will be closed. The Timmonsville Library will be open in the morning and closed in the afternoon, and the Johnsonville Library will be closed in the morning and open in the afternoon. Olanta and Pamplico Libraries will remain open.
This schedule will help us roll out the software more smoothly. All libraries will be open regular hours every other day that week.

Will I need a new library card?
Your card will still work, and all information in your library account will transfer over, with the exception of PINs / Personal Identification Numbers.

What will happen to my PIN?
All PINs/passwords will be reset to the last 4 digits of your phone number. You can change this to a PIN of your choice by logging on to the new catalog with this temporary PIN. If you are having trouble, library staff are here to help!

What other features will be added?
We will have an app! The new system comes with an SCLENDS app that will let you search for books, place holds, renew your items, and more.

We are also making it easier to find and check out ebooks and e-audiobooks. Once you log in as a Florence County Library System patron, you can find ebooks and e-audiobooks in our catalog as easily as physical books. You can even check out, renew, and return ebooks through the catalog. If you prefer to find and check out ebooks through Libby, you can still do that as well.