- Florence County Library System
- Doctors Bruce & Lee Foundation
- Donald E. Kelly Small Business Institute at Francis Marion University
- Florence area Frank L. Roddey Small Business Development Center
- Eastern Carolina Community Foundation
The Foundation Center Grants & Nonprofit Collection
Nonprofit organizations and other grantseekers in Florence county and the Pee Dee looking for funding sources now have a valuable new collection of resources at the Doctors Bruce and Lee Foundation Library, which is the home of a Cooperating Collection of the Foundation Center of New York.
Recommended Databases (Available within the Library Only)
- Updated weekly to keep you current, Foundation Directory Online provides the most comprehensive and accurate information on U.S. grantmakers and their funding activities.Top-tier intelligence on grantmakers and their grants.
- more than 92,000 foundations, corporate donors, and grantmaking public charities
- Over 1.3 million recent grants
- More than 400,000 trustees, officers, and donors
- Over 441,000 IRS 990s–all keyword-searchable
- 39 search fields plus keyword search
- Foundation Grants to Individuals Online (Library Use Only)
- An online database of more than 6,500 foundation and public charity programs that fund students, artists, researchers, and other individual grantseekers. It provides online access to accurate, up-to-date information on foundations that fund:
- Educational support – scholarships, fellowships, loans, and internships
- Students and graduates of specific schools
- Arts and cultural support
- Awards, prizes, and grants by nomination
- International applicants
- Employees/families of employees at specific companies
- Research and professional support
- General welfare and special needs
Recommended Web Sites
There are thousands of Web sites that the small business person or entrepreneur could go to for information. Which ones are best? We provide a list of high-quality sites with reliable, accurate information for particular needs.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Contains information on all federal assistance programs.
Florence County Charities and Nonprofits List provided by the South Carolina Information Highway (SCIway.net). Allows you to add your organization to the list.
Foundation Center Information about grants and grant making foundations. “Find Funders” search tool is simple and effective. Very helpful information on the “Gain Knowledge” page.
GPO Access Learn about federal funding opportunities as soon as they are announced.
Grants.gov Helps identify the over 1,000 grant programs offered by all federal grant-making agencies. Users may also apply for grants electronically.
South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organizations “SCANPO serves as the statewide network, information center and advocate for the charitable nonprofit sector in South Carolina.” Site provides template for searching membership database.
South Carolina Foundation Directory 8th Edition 2006 Listing of active private foundations, community foundations and grant-making public charities located or registered in South Carolina that also provide funding in the state.
Small Business Collection
Our special collection of material for small businesses and entrepreneurs was developed in cooperation with our Pee Dee partners. Located in the Doctors Bruce and Lee Foundation Library, it consists of books, databases, periodicals, and recommended Web sites. We have two computers in the SBC area dedicated for online SBC resources.
Would you like an overview of a particular of industry? Would you like to study some examples of business plans? Our databases can provide valuable information to complete these and many other small business tasks.
- Business Source Premier
- Featuring the full text for more than 2,100 journals, Business Source Premier provides indexing, abstracts and full text back to 1965. Business Source Premier provides comprehensive coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, banking, finance, etc.
- Regional Business News
- Regional Business News provides full text for nearly 100 regional U.S. and Canadian business publications.
- Small Business Reference Center
- This resource offers a wide variety of information on small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and provides information on how to create business plans that lead to successful funding.
Recommended Web Sites
There are thousands of Web sites that the small business person or entrepreneur could go to for information. Which ones are best? See the link below for a list of high-quality sites with reliable, accurate information for particular needs.
The Census Business Builder (CBB) is a suite of services that provide selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and use format.
Entrepreneur.com Plenty of free content, including inspirational articles from the magazine of the same name. Contains pages on marketing, franchises, human resources, technology, and more.
FindLaw for Small Business Well established legal site provides legal information on wide range of small business topics, including incorporation & legal structures, forms & contracts, and worker’s compensation.
Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce Presents benefits of membership and other information, such as chamber programs and event calendar.
South Carolina Business Opportunities Advertisement of all State solicitations above $10,000, from the S.C. Budget and Control Board.
SCBO Online South Carolina Business Opportunities (SCBO) Online contains a multitude of SCBO Issues (all in .PDF format).SC Business One Stop (SCBOS)Excellent for understanding and meeting our state government’s requirements for doing business in South Carolina. The place to go for registrations, licenses, permits, and paying state taxes. Also has plenty of other helpful information about doing business in SC.
SCORE: Counselors to America’s Small Business SCORE Volunteers are working or retired business owners, executives and corporate leaders who share their wisdom and lessons learned in business. Info and tools on everything from human resources management to financial planning.
Small Business Development Center of South Carolina The center provides management and technical assistance to small business owners and managers within a 15 county region, Florence county being one of them. They have an office at Florence-Darlington Technical College.
U.S. Census Bureau Very useful demographic information for market research. “Your Gateway to Census 2000” contains an enormous amount of data collected from the year 2000, while Economic Census provides industry/sector info within specific geographic areas.
Wall Street Journal Small Business Voice of business provides site worth going to. Be sure to click on “Small Business Link” for the monthly focus on a particular topic – previous months’ included.
Yahoo Trade AssociationsTrade associations often provide valuable market research that pertains to their trade or industry. This site listed 175 associations.