Meeting Room Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of Organization *Type of Organization (i.e. non-profit, government agency, business, civic, educational, etc.) *Organization Address *Organization PhoneOrganization FAXContact Person *Contact Phone *Contact e-mail address *What are the objectives/activities of the meeting? Please provide SPECIFIC DETAILS. Applications without specific details will not be considered. *Dates Requested (you may request up to 3 dates) *Number of people expected to attend *Time Reserved (From X to X) *Actual Time of Event (from X to X) - Meetings may begin no earlier than 30 minutes after library opening, and must end no later than 30 minutes before library closing. *Will light refreshments be served? (only COLD FINGER FOOD is allowed.) HOT OR HEATED FOODS ARE PROHIBITED.YesNoWill you need technical assistance or audio/visual equipment? *YesNoIf "yes," please indicate equipment needed (i.e. projector, laptop, microphone, etc.)I certify that I am an officer of the above named organization and that I have the authority to reserve the meeting room. It is understood by our organization that neither the Florence County Library System nor the County of Florence will assume any responsibility for supplies or equipment used in the library in conjunction with this meeting/activity and that these entities are also released and discharged from any and all liability for any loss, injury, or damage to person(s) or property that may be sustained as a result of this meeting. In signing this application, the organization and/or its representatives affirm that the Meeting Room Guidelines have been read and agrees to abide by them and to be responsible for damages to Library equipment, furniture and facilities that may be sustained during its scheduled use of the room.Name of Authorized Representative *Date *NameSubmit