Why are you eliminating late fines?
The library serves all residents of Florence County, not only those who can afford to pay late fines. Unfortunately, for many families and individuals, the risk of a late fine is a reason not to use the library.
Are other libraries removing late fines?
Very many libraries across the country, including many in South Carolina, have already removed late fines with great results: more people using the library, more items checked out and returned more quickly, a better library experience, and most importantly, better quality of life for citizens.
I already have fines on my library card. What happens to those?
When you visit the library, we will remove any fines for materials that were returned overdue. If you have charges for items that were checked out but never returned, those items must be returned before fines can be removed.
Please note that while the majority of SCLENDS libraries are fine-free, some systems still charge fines locally. If you use your FCLS card at another SCLENDS library and incur fines, that library may still require them to be paid.
Does this mean I can keep library materials as long as I want?
Books and other materials are still due back on their due dates, but can be renewed on our website or by contacting the library. If an item is lost or never returned, we will charge its replacement cost.
I don’t mind paying late fees because I want to support the library. How else can I show support?
If you would like to support the library financially, we welcome donations to the Friends of Florence County Library. The Friends support library programs, services, and collections. To donate or learn more about the Friends visit: https://florencelibrary.org/friends-of-fcl/